When seeking to learn how to better love any others, the most obvious place to start is with your own family.

Shared experiences may often be unevenly shared in respective family members memory. We all remain different.

But if you are going to invest your time anywhere, wouldn’t one of – if not “THE” – best place to invest one’s time is to express love to your family – those composing the most familiar others?

All of this gets much more complex when we start to consider everyone is unique as to the composition of their own “love language.”

Here, further talk about touch, gifts, time together, contribution, and words of affection will be suspended until another post.

I now fully recognize the most important others in my life are the others within my family of procreation.

I sincerely wish I had done a better job of earlier and more fully recognizing them and the gift of their love.

Mine has never wavered toward them, but my expression did.

There is still time. And that means on a day like today when I felt I should have joined a church retreat, it was clear that my time was better spent completing my family by joining them for lunch at a restaurant instead.