What is the best way to pursue and achieve the life of your dreams?

It would seem that this would be rather obvious. Figure out what you want to achieve and then go out and do it. What’s the big whup?

Well, it is that simple. And yet unfortunately a lot if not most people don’t really do this.

Don’t believe me? Well, then ask yourself these questions.

  1. How many people graduate from high school and take the most convenient job available or go on to college because that is what’s expected of them?
  2. How many people if they chose to go on to college then come out and take almost any job that they can find?
  3. And if they still aren’t satisfied, how many people go on and get a law degree thinking that will help them figure it all out?

I think you get my point. Most people are job takers, not job makers.

Incredulously, I hear my audience – if that only be my inner critic – asking: “How can I be a job maker if I don’t have the resources to build my own business?”

And it is right here that we start to learn where the difference between success and failure lies. It’s there right at the very beginning.

Earl Nightingale – who was one of if not “the” founder of the personal development industry is well known to have defined success as “the progressive realization of a worthy goal.”

I’ve come to realize that without a goal not only is one a failure – for that period in which one is just drifting without one – one doesn’t have a  life of any meaning.

And I can attest from personal experience that a life of nihilism is worse than an unpleasant life – it can become an absolute hell!

That aside, I’ve also found that I seem to be constituted such that once I finally lock onto a goal, I will go at it with such a narrowly deterministic focus as to block out almost all other aspects of life.

Here, you can think how Robert Patrick portrayed T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. (See photo above).

Nothing, save complete destruction of self, was going to prevent achievement of a goal.

Now, this is a great way to achieve goals. I don’t think that this is the problem for most people.

This is because a lot of people give up before they achieve their goals, usually – though bad luck can sometimes put people too far off course – usually instead, they just weren’t sufficiently committed.

But, there is also a big problem that comes along with it beyond becoming very one-dimensional through goal pursuit.

The hazard that came to me was that upon achieving a goal, I always had that sense of “what’s next?”

And this wasn’t an airy fairy feeling by any means. No instead just a few days or at most weeks after achieving the goal, I would find myself in a state of depression. Yep, there is that nihilism again.

In fact, I did a pretty good job of finding something that indicates this and put it up at my boundary dispute blog post [HERE].

So, what’s the best way to prevent this from happening?

The best idea is to first focus on discovering purpose, then build an overarching vision, and then identify the first goal toward the attainment of that vision in allignment with purpose.

If you are interested in knowing more about how to do that, by all means check in with me and at no expense, I’ll help you unlock this blog post which addresses exactly this point [HERE].

Now, I don’t think that will be enough. And I know this because it wasn’t enough for me.

So, what I would recommend if you are still seeking to design your ideal life is to try out Dr. Jordan Peterson self authoring suite.

This is a program which costs no more than $30 and for those willing to invest the time will find that the value and understanding that it draws out from them is massive.

I’m close to finishing this program off, so next Monday I’ll give my review. And, I’m also committing to writing another post tomorrow. Hope you’ll take another look. Cheers!