In the spirit of the two-headed Greek God of Janus for whom the month of January is named to allow reflection of past and future, I offer this note to memorialize the lessons learned over the 16-days straight course of running the …

Pacific Coast Interim 5:30 AM Boot Camp – Purpose, Vision, & Goal(s).  

First off, I want to thank both of you [Gary Glass & Cliona O’Hara] for allowing this opportunity as well as my cc’d co-host […] and the others who regularly showed up to meetings[.]

I’ve journaled my personal lessons learned as well as areas for my self-improvement and seek to offer them to you for what they may be worth. OK, so with that “throat clearing” here goes … 😊

LESSON 1: Be willing to accept help that is helpful.

COMMENT. Patricia [Fish] volunteered to assist immediately and so we did an organizational, practice run on Sunday, December 17. This proved to be invaluable! Patricia contributed a ton and helped me to realize a lot of logistical details which I had not even considered.  

LESSON 2: Have an Overarching Purpose and Daily Theme.

COMMENT. We knew we had until about January 2 until Gary was going to resume Pacific Coast Boot Camp leadership, so we geared our daily study around PURPOSE, VISION, GOAL, & HABIT FORMATION overall and had a Daily Theme associated with going through You-Squared.

LESSON 3: Consider the benefits of  “book-ending” the meeting with Physicality.

COMMENT. We started the meeting with Patricia’s Qigong to “Shake It Up & Wake It Up” and then closed out the meeting with a song in which we ‘Took an Chance on a Dance.’ This physicality seemed to get us going and then to also allow us to cement the ideas through action. And as to that action – dance – this gives people an opportunity to get just a bit beyond themselves doing something which they may feel is foolish, but doing anything at the beginning is something at which one will do some things a bit foolishly … that’s just part of the process!

LESSON 4: Allow plenty of time for Gratitude.

COMMENT. We placed this immediately after Cliona’s Meditation and I asked people to consider as the PROMPT: “I am a loving soul who is grateful for … because … .” This prompt allows “The Great I AM” as well as an idea of identifying “Positive Causality.”

LESSON 5: Consider the benefits of Involving Others.

COMMENT. I invited people to read the Self-Confidence and Self-Discipline Formula with people switching between “odds” and “evens” and all but one person declined this opportunity.

LESSON 6: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them … and then explain what you told them.

COMMENT. I read the “red bracket” each day of that day’s “You-Squared”, read the Chapter, and then came back and concluded with the “red bracket” … and then reviewed the highlights of that chapter. This gave me an opportunity to offer others – and myself – the insights that came to me from the reading.

LESSON 7: Allow the benefits of Serendipity.

COMMENT. I introduced a “Sound Bath” during the period in which we wrote up the “Purpose, Vision, Goal(s), & Habit(s) [and Task(s).” This was something that showed up early on right after Cliona’s Meditation and instead of dismissing it out of hand, I took a look and Patricia also explained what this was all about and its benefits. This became perhaps the most enjoyable and productive part of each Boot Camp. For more, see … .

LESSON 8: Figure out how to incorporate Patricia’s Boot Camp Protocol Reel.

COMMENT: Patricia has put together a STELLAR BOOT CAMP PROTOCOL REEL. I didn’t take the time to figure out how to (separate) images and sound at the same time. In the future, I would want to run this during the [Purpose, Vision] Goals, Habits & Task portion. Then if people have a moment to look up, they might see something which serendipitously would prompt continued writing allowing more of a syncing of both their written piece and the protocol into their emotional mind.

PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITY (“PIO”) 1: Don’t take it personally when people jump in and out of the call.

COMMENT. This didn’t happen too often, but it was something that I observed would generate some frustration in myself. Particularly frustrating was when the person with whom I had recently volunteered to be an accountability partner with indicated that she would instead watch past boot camp videos. That was game over for me; I just cut her out without a word!

Reflecting: I should have attempted to schedule a talk to express my feelings about it. If I had, I may have been able to demonstrate the benefit of live boot camps vis-à-vis their accountability … and with it retained her accountability to my own necessary project which I admittedly allowed to slip. This is now in the past and I don’t care to directly broach the subject, but it is something to note going forward.

PIO 2: Create a tighter master vision of how this was all to come together and communicate this more effectively.

COMMENT. I learned a ton going through this project and as I mentioned much of that came from the assistance of Patricia. If I had to do this over again – knowing that I would get the affirmative nod – I would have sought to clearly flesh out my vision of how to run the boot camp and then communicated that to Gary. Instead – in line with a deep-set paradigm in which I am accustomed to receiving a “NO” from those (primarily my parents and spouse) that seek to exert authoritarian influence, upon the slightest indication that Gary was willing to allow the opportunity, I ran with it and failed to secure as much of the incredibly valuable input which he may have been willing to offer if I had simply had the temerity to ask.

PIO 3: Create a slide deck for the presentation’s non-negotiables and have only the daily variables up and ready outside of that slide deck for use.

COMMENT. There is an optimum between rigidity and flexibility, to generate the closest thing to perfection I will want to generate systems which allow the benefit of both.  Idea: Seek to “democratize” the understanding of the Santa Fe Institute’s practical findings in the area of COMPLEXITY THEORY.

PIO 4: Be mindful of the time.

COMMENT: One of Gary’s most enviable qualities is his ability to run the boot camp within the time parameters. This didn’t happen immediately, but once he dialed it in … IT WAS “DIALED IN” … PROFESSIONAL!!! This is something that I really admire about your presentation Gary!


[PIO 5: Never be shy to provide great affirmations.]

COMMENT: During the middle of the run, I decided went back and listened one of Cliona’s Boot Camps. In this particular one which she conducted for the Eastern US on the Winter Solstice 2023, she had an incredible set of affirmations. I wrote most of them down and would sprinkle them in at the end of our Purpose, Vision, Goal, & Habit Sound Bath. A lot of folks really liked this!

Ok, so what’s with the picture? Well, I found that on the way to the gym immediately after victoriously concluding this final Interim Boot Camp. It reminded me of a time coming across a black Ferrari after a big court victory in June 2017 … and I don’t think that this is just a coincidence!!!